Helping tech marketers develop strategic content that stands out to B2B buyers

Need someone who can write clearly about complex ideas? Tired of managing inexperienced writers who require lots of handholding?

As a former publisher and B2B content manager, I have experience in every stage of content development, from planning and research to creation and editing to distribution and content upkeep. This means I understand the creative process, as well as how to take advantage of the latest tools and strategies.

I’ve managed the complete content creation process for B2B companies and understand how to engage technology buyers and streamline content development. With my experience and focus on business goals, I help marketers get more from their content budgets. B2B technology buyers are also responsible for spending their budgets responsibly in a time when solutions evolve rapidly. And as a marketer, you’re juggling more than ever to reach these buyers.

Over the past decade, I have honed my storytelling to resonate with technology buyers and fine-tuned my content creation processes to make working with me easy for marketers.

Headshot of Susan LaPoint

About Me

Hi! My name is Susan LaPoint. I’m a seasoned writer, editor, and marketer who helps B2B technology marketing directors and content marketing managers handle all aspects of content development.